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Sun, 1 Mar 2009

February 2009 in books

This review can also be found on Amazon.

In February 2009, I only completed reading one book. I have been terribly slack:

1. Flash!, by L.E.Modesitt

This is poorly structured and poorly written. Every single one of the characters is a flat cardboard cut-out, the world they inhabit isn't at all well-explained, and so the resulting story is mostly confusing and hard to follow.

Posted at 22:16 by David Cantrell
keywords: books | culture
Permalink | 1 Comment

Unless L.E. Modesitt and L.E. Modessitt, Jr. are two different people...

I read "Of Tangible Ghosts" and "Ghost of the Revelator" about five years ago, and found them "okay". (apparently they've been republished in a single book as "Ghosts of Columbia"). It's not often that I have a hard time "getting into" a book, but the writing just didn't flow well and everything felt very stilted.

Posted by Bill Bradford on Mon, 2 Mar 2009 at 02:16:05

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