The Church of Greg's School of Experimental Theology has noted that followers of lesser faiths claim to get spiritual benefits from giving up things that their deity disapproves of, such as fun and tasty food. Greg disapproves of being a po-faced teetotal git, so as an experiment this year observant Greggists are giving up sobriety.
Day 5: Mon 14 Mar Black Sheep Ruddy Ram
Day 6: Tue 15 Mar Shepherd Neame Kent's Best
Day 7: Wed 16 Mar just a little ginger wine :-)
Day 8: Thu 17 Mar Jameson's whiskey
Day 9: Fri 18 Mar Fuller's Chiswick Bitter
Day 10: Sat 19 Mar Whisky toddy, made with Glenlivet
Those with sharp eyes will note that in the background of the picture of the whisky toddy, nestled in between Shakespeare and Whitman, are copies of Winnie The Pooh and The House At Pooh Corner, or, as they're called in the original Latin, Winnie Ille Pu and Domus Anguli Puensis. I recommend them.
Posted by John on Sat, 19 Mar 2011 at 04:09:05