Mad comments
I've had some very odd comments in this 'ere journal recently, and they're not even spam! For example, "Kelly" wrote this in response to this post:
couldn't help checking out geelkawyer.that driving show -
whe getit here in bloody-aus (tralia i.e.)
resta-sured i didn't stay long.
seriously thinKing keegwalyer is your alt-err-e(r)go...
prefer your style...
a-part from geeywalker referring to (him?)self in the 3rd person, -
you dear dave are obviously not writing-like-a-lawyer.
eek blankety -on-you dave for even posting the glayeekwer URL - with its boldedness, plethora or ads. u-tube content 'cause s/he lack same. erk and perk
I recognise all the words, even the egregiously mis-typed ones, but I have very little idea what on earth she's talking about. And then in response to this much older post she wrote the utterly incomprehensible:
thanksANot skynet - who has time to RTFM - nerds. Well fine - who wants to read "novels" anyhow; give me a dictionary any day, a back-page, the www is FullOfReference material. any speech-reader will tell you so. .. HeY /usr or $ sudo/bla/bla - makes my synapses bleed. keep your FM .. thanks for developing the thingie ... U godU-for-knowing-where-to-bloody-well start typing /usr or /root or even for knowing what root the user is pub-blishing and selling their crappy t-shirts and mugs and spanky code. gimme a horse and cart <=;P
Mmmm, spanky code.
These two comments were posted about 50 minutes apart from a Virgin Broadband account in Australia. I can only assume that Kelly has drunk a few too many fermented koalas.
Posted by Geeklawyer on Tue, 7 Oct 2008 at 21:22:46