New Cocktail: the Caipiranha
I have invented a new cocktail. It is based on my favourite cocktail, the caipirinha, which consists of cachaça, limes, and sugar, with ice. The Caipiranha is exactly the same, but with the addition of live fish. Truly adventurous drinkers will use piranhas. However, for beginners I recommend starting with a couple of neon tetras per glass and working your way up.
I doubt the fish would live very long but if you add it last& quick, & drink it quickly it would still be alive as you consume it.
At the risk of being presumptuous, this would be the coolest cocktail *EVAR*. And that is not a matter of debate.
I demand a YouTube video and will consume the drink if you make it. Go on, call my bluff!
Posted by Geeklawyer on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 at 16:24:56