YAPC::Europe 2007 report: day 2
A day of not many talks, but lots of cool stuff. Damian was his usual crazy self, and MJD's talk on building parsers was really good. Although I probably won't use those techniques at work as functional programming seems to scare people.
The conference dinner at a Heuriger on the outskirts of Vienna was great. The orga-punks had hired a small fleet of buses to get us there and back, and one of the sponsors laid on a great buffet. The local wine was pretty damned fine too, and then the evening de-generated into Schnapps, with toasts to Her Majesty, to her splendid navy, and to The Village People.
It wasn't all debauchery in the evening though - on the bus, I had a very useful chat with Philippe about Net::Proxy, and re-designing it to make it easier to create new connectors for it.