Dave's Free Press: Journal

violence, pornography, and rude words for the web generation


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Sun, 3 Sep 2006

Journal now with 30% more shiny!

Look on the right! The list of all my archived posts has been broken down by year. By default you'll see archived posts from the current year, clicky-clicky on the numbers at the top to get previous years.

It's all done with CSS and Javascript, so I only needed to fiddle with the templates and not with the application that drives the journal. And of course it degrades gracefully and everything is still available in non-CSS non-Javascript browsers. I even tested it in lynx. Hooray!

I've also slimmed the page down considerably by using a named style for journal entry links instead of embedding style info in the page for every link, and for archived entries have reduced the length of their links considerably using the <BASE HREF> tag. That gave a weight reduction of something like 40%.

Posted at 02:20 by David Cantrell
keywords: geeky | meta
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